Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Day After Your Workout - Pace

Here is the jackpot question of the day. Do I have to plan or think about the pacing on my post workout day runs?  The short answer is yes. Going by feel the day after your workout is a bad idea because after most workouts or harder efforts you feel the really tired legs and body two days later not always the very next day. So by going out that next day after a hard effort or workout and just rolling with the pace because you feel fine gets many runners into trouble because of that two day lag. What ends up happening is you have the interval effort day as a hard day, then you roll the next day because you feel good, and what you end up with are two hard efforts in a row and then on day three your legs are trashed. Just show some patience and discipline post workout day and you will be fine. Hold back on the run even if your legs feel just fine - allow for the slow active recovery run. 

1 comment:

  1. ugh. this applies to the day after a hard long run, too, as I learned the hard way this week...
