Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Simple Suggestion

If you look like this picture when you start your first mile of your daily training runs there is a problem!  With everyone always fighting to get in their runs around busy lives, there are certain daily running habits that can help maximize your training and keep you healthy. A simple suggestion on your everyday runs is to use your first mile as an ease into the run mile/a warmup. That suggestion sounds so simple but many times runners are going from their desk, car, or getting up in the morning and jumping right into the run.  Those pre-run settings are asking for injury trouble. It does not matter if you run your first mile in 10,9,8, or 7 minute mile pace, you always see that the 2nd mile is faster without any more effort. Plus that slower start is solid practice of negative splitting your runs, workouts, and eventually races. Try it.

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